Going Green!
Looking to go Greener or cleaner? We can provide a variety of solutions for a more energy efficient and healthier home. Fill out an enquiry form for more information!
Ventilation and extraction
PIV systems (Positive input ventilation)
Air purifiers
Electric vehicle charging
LED lighting conversions
Timed equipment
Energy efficient electrical heating
Environmental sensors (Tracking temperature, humidity and CO2 levels)
As a company over the last couple of years we have been focusing strongly on our own environmental impact.
We are increasing our own recycling of waste materials, separating paper/card, cable and general waste on site before we disposing appropriately.
We recycle our waste office paperwork and are using recycled paper in our office and site pads.
Our office is fully lit with LED lighting
We have switched to Cloud based software for our certification, scheduling, invoicing and quoting to reduce printing and unnecessary paper use.
We are always looking into new ways to reduce our carbon footprint as a business.